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发布时间:2022-12-20 点击数:





姚威,英国斯特拉斯克莱德大学,生物医学工程系,高级讲师(副教授), 英国机械工程协会会员,英国特许工程师,主要研究结合机器人导航、医疗图像、跟踪、力反馈、触觉传感、灵巧机构等的机器人技术,并且将其应用到手术和康复中。具体应用包括关节置换等骨科手术、胎儿手术、磁共振导引心脏导管介入、单孔腹腔镜及经自然孔径的内窥镜等微创手术,以及脑卒中病人康复的机器人辅助手功能康复。姚威博士及其课题组研发的智能骨科机器人系统已经得到苏格兰政府创业局的高成长产业化项目的75万英镑资助,康复用机器人手套与墨西哥国家康复中心合作得到牛顿基金的资助。2019年至2022年与西安交通大学yl6809永利官网医工交叉研究所陶唐飞老师共同承担了陕西省国际科技合作计划项目重点项目“融合多源运动交互信号的上肢康复机器人自适应阻抗控制关键技术研究及应用”20192021年与李敏老师共同承担了国家自然科学基金国际合作交流项目“视觉引导增强的脑控刚柔一体化康复训练机械手”,曾于2019年12月来校访问交流,已共同指导博士研究生1名,发表多篇SCI论文。

Title: Medical Robotics

This lecture is focusing on the most advanced surgical robotics and clinical applications, to take a visionary and exploratory perspective to explain some creative and translational surgical robotic solutions, new generation devices in the robotic market and clinical practice. This lecture will cover some topics, such as Integration of sensing, control and artificial intelligence for smarter robotic systems. A more independent and intelligent system, including the ability to self-sense environments and use control laws to optimise the manipulation process, is one of the directions for surgical robotics. Thus, the lecture will present some examples on the research, such as a high degree of safety by constraining the robotic manipulator, adding intelligence to the surgical planning and studying the dynamic properties between the manipulator and tissues to enable it to adapt as required. Integrating more medical imaging tools to provide guidance for minimally invasive surgery and interventions is the key for the next generation of surgery. The lecture will also present the topic on the development of some new multi-modality tracking and navigation robotic assistive technology, which will be used to assist surgeons in highly delicate procedures.

地址:陕西省西安市咸宁西路28号 邮编:710049
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