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英国南安普顿大学Daniil Yurchenko副教授 学术讲座

发布时间:2023-03-28 点击数:

讲座题目:Dynamics and vibration mitigation of a crane using global optimisation



讲座人:Daniil Yurchenko教授

邀请人: 曹军义教授

Daniil Yurchenko副教授,2001年获美国伍斯特理工学院工学博士学位,随后在迈阿密大学任助理教授;2005年被聘为俄罗斯圣彼得堡国立理工大学数学科学系副教授,2007年获该校理学博士学位;2008年被晋升为正教授,并担任力学硕士项目的副主任;2010年加入英国南安普顿大学,主要从事非线性与随机动力学、振动能量俘获和非线性能量迁移研究。

Yurchenko副教授曾获得俄罗斯总统科学委员会青年科学家奖,发表了150多篇科学出版物,包括同行评审期刊和会议记录,多次受邀主题演讲,领导了许多工业项目,并获得了EPSRC和英国皇家学会的资助。目前担任Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, International Journal of Dynamics and Control和Journal of Vibration Testing and System Dynamics等期刊编委。


Vibration mitigation of a crane payload is a highly complex problem, nonlinear in its nature. Currently, there are various active control strategies to mitigate swinging vibrations of the payload that require some knowledge of the payload state, but, to the authors’ best knowledge, there are no robust passive measures to mitigate such vibrations. In this presentation, a concept of passive vibration absorber is proposed and studied. First, the proposed strategy is developed for a stationary length of the payload cable, which helps to understand the effect of various parameters on the dynamical behaviour of the payload and absorber. This is implemented by utilizing another pendulum acting as a nonlinear absorber, which adjustable mass and length can tune its characteristics to reduce the vibrations of the payload. The obtained results for the nonlinear stationary system have identified the optimal configuration of the absorber and the appropriate set of parameters, which allows reducing the payload’s amplitude of vibrations greatly. Then we will consider a non-stationary problem of nonlinear vibration mitigation of the payload to understand if the proposed earlier strategy is still effective in this case. The surrogate optimization technique is used to tune the absorber’s parameters within a given bounded set of parameters’ values. The optimization is conducted based on a priori known reeling speed or acceleration/deceleration of the primary pendulum, thereby completely removing the need for acquiring a current system state essential for active feedback control. The obtained numerical results validate the proposed strategy and demonstrate the high performance of the nonlinear passive absorber when it is properly tuned.

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