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发布时间:2023-12-09 点击数:


Intelligent Energy Management Strategy of the Distributed Electric Vehicle

报告时间20231215(星期) 15: 00-16:00





国外导师:Prof. Ooi Kim Tiow


Abstract: The China Scholarship Council (CSC) is dedicated to providing funding for outstanding Chinese students to study abroad, with the aim of improving the quality of graduate education and promoting the development of higher education in China. From March 2022 to March 2023, Dr. Zhou Hao, a doctoral student, received sponsorship from the CSC to pursue studies and academic exchanges as a joint doctoral candidate at the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. Under the guidance of Professor Ooi Kim Tiow, Dr. Zhou engaged in research work. This report is a comprehensive summary and analysis of Dr. Zhou Hao's scientific research and life experiences during the joint doctoral training period, with a focus on the key technological research of a super-high-pressure ionic liquid piston compressor for hydrogen refueling stations. The report will provide a systematic introduction from the energy analysis of the compressor to the secondary development of the AMESim software, and will also share insights into life and cultural experiences in Singapore.

摘要:中国国家留学基金管理委员会(CSC)致力于资助优秀的中国留学生到海外进行学习,旨在提高研究生培养质量并促进中国高等教育的发展。自2022年3月至2023年3月,周昊博士生在CSC的资助下于新加南洋理工大学机械与宇航学院作为联合培养博士生开展学习和学术交流,在Ooi Kim Tiow教授的指导下从事研究工作。本汇报是周昊博士生联合培养期间科学研究和生活体验等方面的全面报告与总结,重点介绍加氢站用超高压离子液型液体活塞压缩机的关键技术研究。报告将从该压缩机能量分析和对AMESim软件二次开发两方面进行系统介绍,并将分享有关新加坡生活及文化体验的见解。

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